I Love March - SOL20 Day 17

I love March.

It's in March that Winter finally starts to retreat.
Winter is like a moody toddler. When Winter is awake, you never know when he will be calm or when he will throw a tantrum. Sometimes, it changes from one minute to the next. Sometimes, Winter himself doesn't know what to feel or how to express it. And, just like a toddler, Winter never goes to sleep without a fight. Just when you think he has finally gone dormant, he peeks his head out for one final cry. When, finally, he has gone to sleep - you let out a deep breath and your shoulders fall.

It's in March that Spring finally appears. Spring is like meeting up with an old friend after years of being apart. When you first see her, you leap with excitement. You run to her and welcome her warm embrace. As visit, you notice that you've grown apart ever so slightly, and the realization brings a chill. Still, laughing and reliving old memories makes you feel like you're young all over again. Your visit is much too short, but you look forward to when you will see her again.

I love March.


  1. I love the metaphor of winter as a toddler resisting going to bed!

  2. Your visuals of winter are amazing! I literally laughed out loud reading "you never know when he will be calm or have a tantrum" - it's such a great image :) Spring made me feel a bit sad because it brought me to those memories of old friends and some of them have grown apart, but others are still strong and I just miss them. Thank you for this delightful post that brought me to some many places!

    1. Thank you! I'm glad that you enjoyed this piece. I wasn't too sure how I felt about it when I originally posted, but reading about how you connected to it makes me feel good about it. Thank you for the comment!


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