Neck Deep - SOL20 Day 3

A year ago today, my schedule from day to day was pretty similar. I arrived at school, taught, and then left
the building as soon as the dismissal bell rang. I had a 1-3 hour (usually 2-3 hour) commute home and 
piles upon piles of homework to do once I got there. My supervisors encouraged all the student teachers 
to get involved in extra curriculars at the school that we were at in order to feel more connected with the 
school and the students. They encouraged us to take on as much as we could handle, so far as it did not 
get in the way of our school work and lesson planning. For me, anything extra was too much to handle. I 
had school and homework, of course, but I also had meetings once or twice a month in a different part of 
the city. I had church responsibilities on Thursday nights and sometimes weekends. I had family and 
friends that I wanted to spend time with. I didn’t feel the need to get connected to a school that I was at 
for only a semester. Oh, how much I regret.

Today, I am knee deep - no - neck deep in extra curricular activities. Tutoring, conventions, competitions, 
fundraisers, class parties, special events, sporting events - you name it, I’ve got my hands in it. Why? 
Because it makes me feel more connected to my school and to my students. This is a lesson that I 
learned too late for it to matter when I was student teaching. Now, I take every opportunity I’m given. 
Am I crazy for doing that? Maybe. Still, nothing beats the connection and the relationship that I have 
not just with my students, but the high school and elementary students at our school. Being as 
involved as I am has also helped me build respect and rapport with current and future parents. 
And while being so involved has helped me learn so much about parents and students, I’ve also 
learned a lot about myself. I have learned that I am capable of more than I thought. I have learned 
what my limits are and when to say “no”. I have learned to take advantage of the phase of life that I am
in (single, no children).
This school year has been so much fun, and worth every ounce of stress. That being said, the biggest
competition of the year is next month and we are nowhere near ready. Say a prayer.


  1. I smiled as I read this post because I do the same. Yet, I have time because my kids are grown and it's time for me to give back to all the teachers who gave above and beyond to my kids. I'm grateful I can help with newspaper club and the musical and attend PTA meetings. Seeing kids beyonds instruction time in my classroom is so beneficial! So glad we both have figured this out!

  2. Being neck deep is a good thing! Connecting with students and their families enriches your life, and enriches theirs too. It's a win-win situation! :-) ~JudyK

  3. Neck deep is still your head above water! Enjoy this phase, keep putting yourself out there and best of luck!

  4. It's great to become involved in your school! Families will start to bond with you in ways that are different than just the classroom teacher. It can be hard to find a balance though and make sure that you are still committing to yourself outside of work. There are some events that can be missed in order to see friends or relax once in a while too :)


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