Staple Kid - SOL20 Day 11

A year ago today, a student stapled himself in the arm in the middle of a lesson. The conversation that followed went something like this:
"Why? Why would you do that?"
"Well, last time that I tried it, the staple didn't go in all the way, so it was chill. I wanted to see if it would do that again."
"Wait - 'last time'?"
"Yeah, but it was chill then."
"And now?"
"It's all the way in there."


Today, I have a note in my phone titled, "Someday, I'll Write a Book".
I'm sure that every teacher has a note in their phone, or a journal somewhere, that is similar. It's where I pen all of the crazy, wild, unbelievable, and hilarious things that my students do or say. After the memory of Staple Kid showed up on my feed today, I went back and looked at my most recent entries. Here are a few of my favorites:
  1. Different ways that middle school students have spelled the word "principal" today (I had the word written on the board for them to copy): princeopal (my personal favorite), princiapal, princable, prinsable, princepal, principle, and principel.
  2. "Ms. Atwood, I found the pen that you've been looking for!" "Great, where was it?" "My lunchbox."
  3. "What war did we fight for our independence?" "The Civil War!"
  4. "Ms. Atwood, when can we do a satanic seminar again?" (She meant Socratic)
  5. "Ms. Atwood, isn't dyslexia a type of cancer?"
  6. "Um, why is Kyle eating his homework?"
  7. Different answers to the test question, "Who was the king of Britain at the time of the Revolutionary War?": King George Washington III, King George Washington, George Washington III, King George Fredrick Douglas (my personal favorite)

If you have a similar note/journal, what's your favorite entry?


  1. These are too funny. Now I wished I would have kept a journal like this. Never too late to start.

  2. Definitely going to start this journal! These entries are GREAT!

  3. I never remember silly things my students say! I tried to have a journal once, but it would be great to start it and commit to it. These were great - I am always amazed when kids copy things wrong that are written on the board haha.

  4. I laughed out loud after reading #4!!!
    I think with evidence to back it up, #3 could be the correct anwer!!
    #7 - Crazy!!!
    Thanks for sharing. Your collection shows you really listen and notice!


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