Stir-Crazed Stupidity - SOL20 Day 10

Today, I did something stupid. Well...I guess that's up to interpretation.
I firmly believe that some of the best moments in life come from last minute and spontaneous decisions. For example, in the summer of 2017 I was living in Dublin, Ireland. My friend and I lived with a host family, and we were working for a church there. We were going to have a few days off, so we spontaneously decided to go to Galway. The only planning that we did was booking a stay at a Bed and Breakfast. When we got there, we decided to just walk around and "see what happened". And that, my Slicers, is how I ended up sitting in a 500-year-old church listening to a choir and organ concert for free. It was one of the best days of my life so far.
Anyway, back to today. I have been sick with the flu since Saturday (not that flu). I am still not back at school, and I'm starting to go a little bit crazy. In my stir-crazed state, I bought plane tickets to Atlanta, Georgia for my Spring Break. I paid less than $150 round trip.
Were the tickets only that cheap because of COVID-19? Yeah.
Is it stupid to be traveling out of state in the middle of an epidemic? Maybe.
Did I make sure to buy insurance and guaranteed refunds for my tickets? Yes, don't worry.
Am I about to have a fantastic Spring Break visiting with friends I haven't seen in 2 years? Definitely.

As Jean-Jacques Rousseau once said, "It is the most difficult thing in the world to distinguish between genuine stupidity, and that apparent and deceitful stupidity which is the sign of strong character."

All that being said, if you pray, please say a prayer for my wallet. I will hopefully be going back to school on Thursday, but as of right now all of my online shopping carts are full to the brink.


  1. I don't think you need to worry about the flu flying from state to state. It will be a fun trip with friends and the price was ideal!

  2. Sometimes throwing caution to the winds is just the ticket( to Atalanta) and gives you time with old friends.

  3. I love this. Your spontaneity comes through in the quick quips of this slice. I think it's in the way you talk directly to us, how you mix long narrative back-story filling sentences with shorter ones that bring us along with a skip and a jump, and that Q&A in the middle that give this one so much of your voice. Makes me want to order online, book a Spring Break trip or otherwise act with reckless abandon in the pursuit of that sign of my character! Well done!


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